Effective Web Copy
How To Prevent Adware
Image Compression
Load Time
Server Response Codes
Social Media Marketing
The Can Spam Act
The Problem With Search
Web Page Caching
Website Dns Propagation
Websites And Graphics
Image Compression
One of the main problems with web sites is load time. Load time is the amount of time it takes for a website to fully load or more importantly for something to appear on the page. This problems is primarily caused by the size of the images on the page. By image size i mean the file size not the visual dimension of the image, height and width that sort of thing. I am referring to the amount of memory the image uses in bytes that has to be transmitted to the end user. Though it's dimensions do play a part in it's file size in that the larger the images dimensions the larger its file size.
Reduce the image dimensions
Use gif or jpg depending on the type of image
Two Great tools for image compression are: